‘Campaign of Personal Destruction’: President Trump Apologizes to Justice Kavanaugh at Public Swearing-In Ceremony

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been sworn in —again — at an event at the White House, but not before President Donald Trump slammed Kavanaugh’s opponents for a “campaign of personal destruction.”

Trump is apologizing to Kavanaugh and his family for “the terrible suffering you have been forced to endure.”

He says that “under historic scrutiny,” Kavanaugh was “proven innocent.”

The bitter partisan fight over Kavanaugh’s nomination became a firestorm after sexual misconduct allegations emerged involving Kavanaugh. He emphatically denied the allegations.

The other eight justices are all in attendance for Monday’s swearing-in, which is entirely ceremonial. Kavanaugh officially became a member of the high court Saturday. Kavanaugh already has been at the Supreme Court preparing for his first day on the bench Tuesday.

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