What to Know About the Suspicious Packages Sent to the Clintons, Obama and CNN

Law enforcement officials have confirmed the interception of a number of suspicious packages believed to be pipe bombs sent to high-profile Democratic donor George Soros, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama, as well as to CNN headquarters in New York City.

On Wednesday, Secret Service confirmed they intercepted a suspicious package sent to the Chappaqua, New York home of Hillary and Bill Clinton late Tuesday night, and to former president Barack Obama on Wednesday morning.

The packages were immediately identified during a routine mail screening as potential explosive devices and there was no risk of Clinton or Obama receiving the packages, Secret Service said in a statement.

Officials said a “full scope criminal investigation” is underway with federal, state and local resources being used to determine the source of the packages. The packages were sent just two days after a bomb was found in the mailbox of liberal philanthropist George Soros’ Bedford, New York home.

According to ABC News, law enforcement officials believe the devices sent to Soros, Clinton, Obama appear to be a similar pipe bomb style construction and contained explosive material.

On Wednesday morning, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders released a statement condemning the “cowards” behind the packages.

“We condemn the attempted violent attacks recently made against President Obama, President Clinton Secretary Clinton and other public figures,” Sanders said. “These terrorizing acts are despicable, and anyone responsible will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. The United States Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies are investigating and will take all appropriate actions to protect anyone threatened by these cowards.”

Shortly after news broke of the intercepted packages sent to Clinton and Obama, CNN’s New York City headquarters were evacuated due to a suspicious device in the newsroom, NYPD confirmed. Officials tell TIME that the package found in the CNN mailroom appears to be a pipe bomb and police do not know yet if it is connected to the intercepted packages sent to Soros, Obama, Clinton or the White House. A bomb squad was on the scene and the investigation is ongoing.

CNN is reporting that the suspicious package was addressed to former CIA director John Brennan.

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