Suspected Chicago Mercy Hospital Gunman Had a History of Making Threats

Authorities say the man suspected of opening fire in a Chicago hospital and killing three people had a history of making threats.

On Monday afternoon, four people, including gunman Juan Lopez, died after he opened fire in Chicago’s Mercy Hospital, police said. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie T. Johnson confirmed that 32-year-old Lopez shot and killed his ex-fiancé who worked at the hospital, another hospital employee and a police officer who attempted to apprehend him.

Lopez apparently had a history of making threats and pulling out his gun.

According to the Chicago Tribune, in 2013 Lopez had threatened to shoot up the Chicago Fire Academy and was fired for “improper conduct toward women.”

The Chicago Fire Academy’s department Spokesman Larry Langford told the Tribune he could not confirm if the threats were made towards women.

“He was accused of aggressive and improper conduct toward females at the academy,” Langford told the Tribune. “He was disciplined and terminated.”

The Sun Times reported that Lopez was married in 2008, and in 2014 his wife filed a petition for an order of protection against him. The petition alleged that Lopez slept with a pistol under his pillow, and that he left the gun out where their small child could reach it, the Sun Times said. In the petition Lopez’s wife also claimed that he had pulled his gun on multiple people including a neighbor and a realtor after forgetting about a scheduled apartment appraisal.

His wife also claimed that once she began separation proceedings, Lopez sent her a text on Dec. 1, 2014, threatening “to come to my job and cause a scene.” the Sun Times reported.

Police confirmed Lopez had a concealed carry permit and had legally purchased four weapons within the past five years.

According to the Tribune, Lopez worked for the Chicago Housing Authority since February 2018 as an associate program specialist. The Chicago Housing Authority issued a statement and said he was hired after undergoing a background check.

“There is no history of complaints about him during the course of his employment at CHA.” they told the Tribune.

Mercy Hospital identified the victims as Dr. Tamera O’Neal, Officer Samuel Jimenez and Dayna Less.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, 38-year-old O’Neal, an emergency room physician, had broken off her engagement with Lopez months ago.

“Family had talked to her and basically said, ‘Cut your ties because you just can’t be friends with someone in situations like that,’” O’Neal’s father told the paper. “He couldn’t let go and he took her away from us.”

O’Neal was shot repeatedly in the hospital parking lot after an argument with Lopez, police said.

Chicago’s ABC7 reports that the Cook County Medical Examiner determined Lopez died from a police bullet after being shot in the abdomen, despite also having a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head.

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