The Australian Prime Minister Gets Roasted for Major ‘Shoegate’ Photoshop Fail

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is the center of an odd Internet conversation thanks to two left feet.

Morrison went viral after a wholesome photo of him with his wife and kids on the official government site was called out on Twitter for having two clean white sneakers meant for his left foot, an obvious Photoshop fail. The incident captured the attention of the Internet, which wasted no time in creating the hashtag, #shoegate, and making plenty of footwear jokes at the prime minister’s expense.

Morrison, for his part, seemed to take it in stride and good humor, cracking a joke about it himself via his Twitter account where he posted a photo of himself wearing a pair of K Swiss sneakers that had seen better days along with a caption that asked his department that “if you must Photoshop, please focus on the hair (lack thereof), not the feet.”

See the Photoshop fail and Morrison’s response below.

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