People Are Absolutely Reeling From Those Two Brutal Moments on Game of Thrones

Warning: This story contains spoilers for Game of Thrones.

After a number of deaths due to the Battle of Winterfell, Game of Thrones really twisted the dagger into some hearts on Sunday night.

Fans were crushed when Missandei and Rhaegal went down in the fourth episode of season 8. Heartfelt tributes for the two beloved characters spread quicker than wildfire online.

Daenerys lost two of her valuable players in separate but equally brutal scenes: right-hand woman Missandei was executed by the Mountain while her love Grey Worm and a devastated Dany watched. And, in a terrifying sequence, Rhaegal was hit with a crossbow launched by Euron Greyjoy.

The Mother of Drragons has been spiraling into dangerous territory as of late. Her forces — including her close ally Jorah Mormont — were decimated in the Battle of Winterfell, with Rhaegal’s wings taking quite a beating. However, Daenerys still has one fearsome flying weapon, Drogon, left. But things aren’t going so hot for her now.

At the very least, her dwindling firepower could force Jon to face the tangled political matter of his own claim to the Iron Throne, which he’s been avoiding.

But Dany has a special bond with Missandei, one of her most trusted allies. Missandei proved she was going to be loyal to her queen until the very end in the crypts during episode 3, and no one wanted to see any of the dragon babies go. Before she was beheaded by the Mountain, Cersei asks if she has any last words. Missandei defiantly says, “dracarys,” a tribute to her queen.

No matter who people want to win, one thing’s for sure. These two deaths really hit home for the show’s audience.

See below for a sampling of reactions to the deaths of Missandei and Rhaegal on Game of Thrones.


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