Donald Trump and Barack Obama Tied as Most-Admired Men in America: Poll

For the first time, President Donald Trump has been named the most-admired man in America. However, he’ll have to share the honor with the man who has held the top spot for the past 12 years — former President Barack Obama.

Presidents Trump and Obama tied in a Gallup poll that asked American adults to name the man and woman they admire the most in the world. Trump and his predecessor each received 18% of responses in the poll, which was taken from Dec. 2 to 15. The poll, which sampled 1,025 adults in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, had a margin of error of +/- 4 points.

The results were split across party lines, with 41% of Democrats selecting Obama and 45% of Republicans choosing Trump. A slight majority of independents — 12% — said that they admire Obama the most, while 10% said they admire Trump.

The vote for the most-admired woman had a clearer leader. Former First Lady Michelle Obama was recognized for the second year in a row, taking 10% of the poll responses. Melania Trump finished second, taking 5% of the poll responses. (Also with the poll’s +/- 4-point margin of error).

The top 10 remaining men include former President Jimmy Carter, Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Pope Francis, Sen. Bernie Sanders, California Rep. Adam Schiff, the Dalai Lama and Warren Buffett, according to Gallup. Of the remaining respondents, 11% named a relative or friend; 18% gave another living man’s name, and 25% opted not to name anyone.

After Melania Trump, 5% of respondents said that Oprah Winfrey was the woman they admired the most, followed by climate activist Greta Thunberg and Hillary Clinton, who were each named by 3% of respondents. The other top 10 answers were Queen Elizabeth II, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

Gallup noted that the sitting President has been named as the most admired man in America in 58 of the last 72 polls. The poll noted that Trump is enjoying one of the highest approval ratings in his presidency — with 45%.

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