Social Media Helped Juul Dominate the Vaping Market. Now, Teens Are Using It to Help Each Other Quit

Juul Labs, the e-cigarette company so popular its name became a verb, wouldn’t be where it is without social media. In the company’s early years, a steady stream of posts from users and influencers helped turn Juul from a smoking alternative to a cultural phenomenon. So many Juul users—many of them teenagers—voluntarily posted about vaping that it hardly made a difference when the company in 2018 silenced its own accounts to help stem its popularity among underage users.

Now, in the wake of a vaping-related lung disease outbreak that has sickened almost 2,700 and killed 60, teenagers and young adults are picking up where the company left off. In a stark about-face, many of the same people who might have once posted about their #JuulLife are now using social media to urge their friends to quit vaping.

They face an uphill battle. With about 5 million teenagers reporting e-cigarette use as of the latest federal estimate, underage vaping is regularly called an epidemic by top U.S. health officials. And, to be sure, plenty of people still post about the habit on social media: this month, a study found that pro-vaping posts on Instagram outnumber anti-vaping posts tagged with the FDA’s sponsored hashtag, #TheRealCost, 10,000 to 1.

Still, discontent among young people has been simmering. A year ago, Kamal Mazhar, now 17 and a high school senior in Virginia, walked into a school bathroom and found a dozen students jammed into two stalls, all vaping. In that moment, he says he realized vaping’s “ridiculous” spread, and grew frustrated by the lack of e-cig-focused prevention efforts, and by adults’ poor understanding of the phenomenon. “No one was inside the bathrooms,” he says.

Mazhar and three friends, none of them serious e-cig users, channeled that frustration into the Instagram advocacy page Teens Against Vaping, which posts news articles and personal testimonies about vaping. Mazhar also submitted written testimony for a July Congressional hearing on Juul, during which two New York City teenagers testified that Juul reps visited their 9th grade classroom in 2017 and told them the products were “totally safe”—a promise that would ring hollow by summer 2019, with youth addiction common and an outbreak of vaping-related lung injury on the rise.

Florida 18-year-old Chance Ammirata was one of the first young people to post on Instagram about a vaping-related health scare: a collapsed lung he says was caused by his Juuling habit, and that forced doctors to rush him into emergency surgery. (Collapsed lungs, as well as pneumonia-like illness, respiratory distress and gastrointestinal issues, are among the conditions reported by people who have gotten sick after vaping.) “It felt like an obligation for me to spread that message, because if I don’t, my friends are going to willingly keep on doing what put me in the hospital,” Ammirata says.

His posts on Instagram and Twitter inspired thousands upon thousands of messages from vapers, most of them teenagers, vowing to quit. Deciding to capitalize on the attention, he founded the Lung Love Foundation, a group aiming to educate teenagers about the dangers of vaping and nicotine addiction. Through the Foundation, he has spoken at schools and on Capitol Hill, produced an educational podcast and partnered with the mayor of Miami Beach on implementing an anti-vaping curriculum.

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This whole experience is absolutely insane and life changing (disclaimer I don’t always look this bad just when I’m glued to the hospital bed for 8 days) I came into this experience completely negative mad at the world , and scared of how things were gonna turn out after my lung collapsed. But I decided to take this negative and completely find another meaning. I decided that spreading my story could help others not have to go through the same thing as me. One by one reading each message from every single one of you explaining how I was able to CHANGE YOUR MINDSET I was able to help you throw out your juul. Makes you realize enough is enough and that nicotine is rotting our brains and destroying our bodies. It overcame me with emotions. I’ve never been happier to make such a difference. My surgery to get my chest tube removed is scheduled in around 2/3 hours and I’m insanely nervous. But I want to make sure my story is always out there. And that the change doesn’t stop. Every day we need to fight to help not only ourselves but the ones we love put down the nicotine. This epidemic has taken enough. We don’t need more evidence telling us just how bad it is. How many more kids are going to have to get hospitalized for us to stop !? None should be the answer don’t take this with a grain of salt. And keep on pushing yourselves to take control of these cravings. I know it’s hard , and I know it will be a long one/2 weeks of getting over the addiction. But 1/2 weeks is so much more worth it than a lifetime of consequences. #lunglove #stopjuul #revolution #wewillmakeachange #wearenotcontrolled edit: hole* reference to third slide

A post shared by Chance Ammirata | Activist (@chanceammirata) on Aug 6, 2019 at 9:03am PDT

Simah Herman, a California 18-year-old, went viral only a few weeks after Ammirata. Almost a million people liked a series of photos she posted to her Instagram, showing her in a hospital bed, hooked up to a ventilator due to lung damage her doctors determined stemmed from vaping. In one, Herman stares solemnly into the camera while holding a handwritten sign reading, “I want to start a no vaping campaign.”

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About 2 years ago i started having terrible nausea issues. that turned into being unable to eat, sleep and just live normally. 2 weeks ago i started having trouble breathing. it took 48 hours for my lungs to fail which led to me being put on a ventilator. This is all because of vaping. Vaping is advertised as “a healthier alternative to smoking” which is false. whether it’s nicotine or weed vaping can be fatal. I was lucky. the doctors didn’t think i was going to make it but with prayers from family and friends i pulled through after almost a week on a ventilator. No one thinks this will happen to them and neither did i which is why i kept vaping. It took less than 48 hours for me to be put in a drug induced coma and a tube put down my throat because i could no longer breathe on my own. The dangers of vaping are real and this can happen to you. Please don’t let it. It’s not easy to quit, nicotine is a very addictive chemical but the more you vape the more likely you are to end up where i did. take action and don’t let this happen. please tell your family and friends the dangers of vaping because no one realizes until they’re put in a situation so serious. i’m sharing my story so you don’t have to have your own. get help please and if you need someone to talk to i’m here to help anyone who needs it. Don’t let vaping win. take back your life and quit smoking. it’s just not worth it. @truthorange #bigtobacco #vapecommunity #smokingkills #dangersofvaping #dangersofsmoking #vape #juul (i didn’t end up having pneumonia. the signs of respiratory failure from vaping make it look like pneumonia, if they didn’t find that first i would have died)

A post shared by simah (@simahherman) on Aug 29, 2019 at 8:11pm PDT

Public-health groups are now jumping on the trend, too. The anti-youth-smoking Truth Initiative this month paid six TikTok influencers—Nick Uhas, Tisha Alyn, Shane Boyer, Nico Bisesi, Kalani and Samuel Grubbs—to create videos that showed them submerging vapes in ice water; Truth Initiative also encouraged other TikTok users to create their own creative quit videos and tag them with #ThisIsQuitting. As of Jan. 21, #ThisIsQuitting posts had cumulatively racked up more than 1.4 billion views.

Science vlogger Uhas—who, at 34, admits he’s a bit older than the stereotypical Juuler—says social media is a smart way to reclaim the narrative around youth vaping. “You have to go through the same tactics” that made something popular, Uhas says. “It’s wise to go where the eyeballs are looking.”

Juul’s nicotine pods have attracted teenagers’ ire despite the fact that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has said most cases of e-cigarette- or vaping-product-associated lung injury (EVALI) appear related to bootleg vaping products that contain THC, some tainted by the additive vitamin E acetate. (Both Herman and Ammirata maintain they got sick after Juuling, and say they have not vaped THC.)

Juul declined to comment.

There are some signs that these efforts are working. The Truth Initiative says 90,000 people have registered for its text-message-based vaping cessation program, about 20,000 after it launched the TikTok campaign.

These posts still attract their fair share of scorn from fellow social media users.”You’re always going to have haters,” Ammirata says. But Mazhar, of Teens Against Vaping, says the glamour of vaping is wearing off. The minimal amount of teasing he and his fellow advocates drew from other students has faded away, he says.

In the beginning, “when we would walk in the bathroom, people would make some under-their-breath comment,” Mazhar says. “That has stopped.”

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