What Gravity? Let This Mom Nailing the Gymnastics Move She Always Feared Be Your New Motivation Icon

When most parents take their kids to gymnastics, they are cheering from the sidelines. Not Nicole Clemens. This mom was happy watching her 14-year old daughter learn tumbling, but didn’t want her to have all the fun, especially when Clemens herself had always wanted to learn to fly. So while her daughter learned, so did she. Now, Clemens, has shared a video documenting her success in perfecting her own round-off back layout and it is the perfect motivational tool.

Clemens posted a video of herself and her impressive tumbling on Twitter, which, according to Buzzfeed, was captured on camera by her daughter. While throwing herself head over heels down a gymnastics mat was a fearless move, so was sharing the video, which Clemens recognized in her caption, “In the spirit of being freaking proud of myself and also knowing I’m about to be fat shamed on the Internet, I present to you me, a 38 year old mom and teacher, doing a thing I was afraid to do when I was a 14 year old gymnast.”

While Clemens was concerned about being “fat shamed” by strangers on the internet, for the most part, Twitter turned into an online cheering section for her and excited to see someone face a fear and live their dream. People across the social media site applauded Clemens for her impressive ability to throw herself through the air on her own power.

Even Oscar-winning actress Patricia Arquette was impressed by Clemens smooth moves, tweeting “That’s rad!!” and, indeed, it is.

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