What Kids Say They Want to March for Today

TIME for Kids prepared for its own version of this week’s special project about equality today—an issue geared to elementary school students, about the legacy of the 1963 March on Washington—by asking students nationwide what they would march for today. Here are some of the most inspiring responses. Visit timeforkids.com for more stories that put the news in context for kids.
“I stand up for people with disabilities. My dream is to have people with disabilities be treated like everyone else.” —Aiden G., 11
“I have a dream that all violence and war goes away so all people and animals are safe. I have a dream that all people can have good food and clean water. I have a dream that all people can have a good education. I have a dream that all people can feel safe and protected wherever you live or work.” —Caeli P., 9
“I stand for stopping senseless violence.” —Claire R., 8
“I have a dream that one day women all over the world will be treated equally. Women are strong, independent, brave, amazing, hardworking people and everyone should know that.” —Layla E., 9
“One day I hope when we look at each other, we just think ‘human.’ Instead of thinking about our differences, we should think about the things we have in common, and come together as humans.” —Ameenah C., 11
“I don’t think anyone deserves to be bullied. Instead of bullying, why don’t we stand together?” —Natalie R., 11
“I stand up for love and family. We all need love.” —Tristain S., 16

This article is part of a special project about equality in America today. Read more about The March, TIME’s virtual reality re-creation of the 1963 March on Washington and sign up for TIME’s history newsletter for updates.

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