Dog Named ‘Lazy’ Who Stays Asleep While Owner Cleans Around Her Might Be Your New Spirit Animal

The call to help around the house can strike any moment. But so can exhaustion.

And sometimes it is not on you to answer that call to do anything requiring “effort” — whether it’s sweeping, doing dishes or even being awake to keep someone company while they pitch in.

If you could choose a spirit animal that embodies those qualities, you might elect to make it this sleepy-looking 11-year-old Golden Retriever dog from Argentina who goes by the name of Lazy. Apt!

Look as she rests, fast asleep as her owner sweeps around her. Note how this generous owner is careful not to disturb Lazy’s slumber. He is Lucho Bugallo, Deputy of the Province of Buenos Aires, who tweeted about it recently. “When it’s nap time, it’s nap time,” he captioned the video recently. It’s been viewed 127,000 times. Interestingly enough, this exact scenario happened twice, Bugallo tells TIME.

Apparently, Lazy exists in a continuous state of relaxation. Even though waking her up and urging her to scoot over could have helped her owner sweep the leaves, he lets her live her best life. She does not move. She is not disturbed. She is a slumber party queen.

“At home we say ‘carpet,’ because it is lying on the floor all day,” says Bugallo. “If you are going to move some place, Lazy first lies down in that place. If you’re going to sweep the floor of the house, Lazy just lies down where you have to clean.”

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