Quarantined Italians Join Together In Song From Balconies During Coronavirus Lockdown

It seems the ongoing coronavirus lockdown was not going to stop the music in Italy.

In an endeavor to prevent the spread of the pandemic and ease the burden on Italy’s strained hospital system, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte instituted a nationwide lockdown leaving only grocery stores, banks, and pharmacies open. As people hunker down, a new video shows that the country’s spirits are still strong.

In a video shared by Twitter user @valemercurii, the streets of Siena are filled with song as people sing from their balconies. “People of my hometown #Siena sing a popular song from their houses along an empty street to warm their hearts during the Italian #Covid_19 #lockdown,” the user writes.

The heartwarming-moment wasn’t the only one, either. Twitter user @MrRJHolland shared another video in this zone.

On Facebook, Meteo Campagnia, shared a video of a man playing a trumpet for his neighbors entertainment:

The weather site also shared a video of an impromptu concert in Salerno:

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