A Bunch of Elephants Thoroughly Enjoy a Nap After Drinking Corn Wine That Did Not Belong to Them

Some drunk elephants were out on the town recently (and we’re not talking about the skincare brand).

Apparently while the people of the world practice social distancing in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus, some other animals got together. A group of elephants allegedly were seeking out food in the Yunnan province of China when they inadvertently (or, perhaps, on purpose?) drank 30 kilograms of corn wine, according to Newsweek.

The animals got “so drunk that they fell asleep in a nearby tea garden,” the tweet says.

Others shared the tweet, with one writing, “elephants having brunch” while we’re stuck at home.

Another user was relieved to read the tweet after seeing the picture, having feared that the passed out elephants had been victims of poaching.

“That was the happy ending I needed,” the tweet says. Yes, yes it was.

People are enjoying the tale.

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