New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance in biggest battle of his political career

New Jersey Rep. Leonard Lance in biggest battle of his political career

Leonard Lance’s name is synonymous with New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District; the five-time incumbent has dominated the polls since his ascension from the statehouse. His voting record, civility, and his stance as moderate Republican has fared favorable with his well educate, affluent district. But that may all change on November 6th. With Democrats energized like never before, and Republican voters in the Garden State looking for a check on President Donald Trump, Lance is in battle of his career against Democrat Tom Malinowski. Malinowski a former State Department official in the Obama administration represents a much-needed change for some. While Lance a hometown favorite embodies the core values of the Republican Party. The two will face off in a region divided, the 7th district once GOP friendly, narrowly backed Hillary Clinton in 2016. And in the final weeks before Election Day polling has shown a close race between Lance and Malinowski often within the margin of error—a true toss-up for the District.

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