Epic Prank Ends With Soccer Player Doing Something Odd With a Sirloin Steak

A Lancaster City soccer player twisted his ankle and texted the team trainer for some advice on how to treat the injury. At least he thought he texted the team trainer. The result was a joke that may go down in the annals of soccer pranks.

According to The Irish Times, when 18-year old midfielder Tom Preston wanted to text the team trainer, he had the wrong number. Instead, he was texting his team-mate Rob Wilson, a player with a nickname of Fonejacker earned for his reputation for pranks. Preston was a sitting duck. Wilson reportedly quickly changed his image and name to that of the team medic and set about having a little fun.

Wilson, masquerading as the team doctor, told the player that the best treatment for his injury was to put some fresh meat on his ankle: “If you can, put a sirloin steak on it for 10 minutes. This will reduce the swelling and bruising.” He also requested a photo to prove to the team’s manager that the injury was being properly treated. Since Preston didn’t have a steak on hand, he sent his father down to the local grocery store to fetch one, and Wilson assured him the team would reimburse him for the expense.

Once the steak was in place, Preston texted a photo of the steak balanced on his ankle to the man he thought was the team physio. Wilson then suggested that the treatment would be improved if he seasoned the steak with salt and pepper, including a link about the effects of salt on foot swelling. He further suggested that the treatment would be even more effective if the steak was cooked medium rare.

He eventually revealed his true identity to the young player, who reportedly took it well, although had to admit that he was “quite gullible”. Perhaps next time he’ll double check the trainer’s phone number.

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