France Mulls Possible Return of African Artwork Stolen by Colonizers

(PARIS) — From Ethiopia to Senegal, museums and governments are eagerly awaiting a report commissioned by French President Emmanuel Macron on how former colonizers can return African art to Africa.

French art historian Bénédicte Savoy and Senegalese economist Felwine Sarr are submitting the report Friday in Paris.

It is expected to recommend that French museums give back works that were taken without consent, if African countries request them. That could increase pressure on museums elsewhere in Europe to follow suit.

Most African art is outside the continent, including statues, thrones and manuscripts.

The head of Ethiopia’s Authority for Research and Conservation of Cultural Heritage says the report shows “‘a new era of thought” in Europe’s relations with Africa.

Senegal’s culture minister says: “It’s entirely logical that Africans should get back their works.”

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