Prep School Grad Begins Jail Time for Sex Assault After Judge Refused to Shorten Sentence

(CONCORD, N.H.) — A New Hampshire prep school graduate convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old classmate has begun serving the remaining 10 months of his jail sentence.

Twenty-three-year-old Owen Labrie reported to the Merrimack County jail on Wednesday morning, a little over a week after a judge refused to shorten his sentence.

Labrie, of Tunbridge, Vermont, was convicted in 2015 of assaulting a freshman the previous year as part of a game of sexual conquest at St. Paul’s School in Concord. He also was convicted of using a computer to lure an underage student for sex, requiring him to register as a sex offender.

Labrie had been free pending appeals, other than the two months he served for curfew violations in 2016.

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