Unhinged Way to Make Books ‘More Portable’ Has Sliced the Internet in Half

Long reads can be daunting — who among us hasn’t felt slightly intimidated by picking up a copy of War and Peace, while weighing whether or not the satisfaction of delving into the book is worth toting a hefty novel on our morning commute?

That’s the dilemma that was faced by a resourceful, if scrappy reader, who decided to take matters into his own hands by cutting their long reads in half, a convenient if very controversial method that makes books portable and apparently, is dividing the Internet!

Intrepid reader Alex Christofi took to Twitter on Tuesday to share how he makes books “more portable,” also divulging that his practice of splitting books in half has earned him the abject disgust of a colleague, who proclaimed him a “book murderer” — a rather dramatic claim, but one that’s not unwarranted for any book lover, when you consider that Christofi is intentionally dismembering literature with gusto.

As might be expected, the Internet had plenty of opinions on the topic, with many proclaiming from the online halls of justice that Christofi was committing unspeakable harm by slicing his books in this manner.

However, others were more forgiving of Christofi’s decision to cut his books, pointing out ultimately that the important thing was that he was reading.




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