Understandable Dog Has Increasingly Suspicious Reaction to Its Own Portrait

Professional art critics typically earn their credentials by studying fine arts, reading critical theory, and poring over art history while honing their craft. After spotting a portrait of itself, though, a dog skipped those steps and went into full art critic mode, no studying required.

Twitter user Kaitlyn Adams (a.k.a. @Kait2lyn) tweeted that her boss had kindly commissioned a portrait of her rescue dog, Gomez, but the unveiling didn’t go exactly as planned. Thanks to a video shared online, both art and dog aficionados could watch as the dog got his first glimpse of the portrait.

Adams wrote, “My boss got me a portrait of my dog and yesterday he thought it was real and I’m still laughing”. From the moment Gomez saw the picture, he was suspicious, barking like a stranger had broken into the house and propped itself up in the corner like a real weirdo. When they say everyone’s a critic, they are including our four-legged friends, apparently.

As the video went viral, other dog lovers weighed in with their own takes on the clip and stories of their own dogs making their opinions on art known.

Adams followed up her viral tweet by suggesting that people consider rescuing dogs when looking for a pet. Just remember when you’re adopting a pup, you’re also potentially bringing home an art critic, too.

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