The Internet Is Bathing in Reactions to This Woman’s Piping Hot Cheetos Bath Self-Care Ritual

Gwyneth Paltrow may peddle $75 candles on Goop in the name of health and self care, but is the next frontier in self-care rituals more affordable?

A woman has gone viral for her unique relaxation technique—marinating in what appears to be a bath filled with Hot Cheetos.

Twitter user @sp00kynugget posted a video that seems to show a person soaking in a tub full of soggy Hot Cheetos. “omg so needed after this stressful day,” the caption to the video reads, accompanied by a short clip that seems to show a person sipping a champagne flute full of something pinkish (Hot Cheeto water?) while relaxing in a sludge of wet enriched corn meal, Red Dye 40, and the slow burn of the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos seasoning mix. There are so many of the spicy snacks floating in the tub that the bath water has turned an evocative shade of crimson as the red dye slowly washes off the Cheetos and into the water.

As anyone who has eaten Hot Cheetos knows, they can be really spicy, so it’s easy to imagine that the bath is causing a burning sensation that has nothing to do with the temperature of the water. As the video circulates on Twitter, one question has been rising to the top: Why?

While no one may understand why this Hot Cheetos bathing video exists, but everyone is happy they don’t have to clean up after it.

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