Taryn Miller-Stevens, Sharon Callahan The couple met in 2016, when both...
Stephanie Wai, Andrew Turco The couple met in 2011 through their...
Rima Patel, Kapil Wattamwar The couple met at Rutgers, from which...
Rebecca Hartman, Richard Ogbuji The couple met on OkCupid in 2015.
Rachel Dolin, Thomas Eager The couple met at Tufts, from which...
Meredith Weber, Alexander Blitstein The couple began dating in October 2015,...
Laurie Sandell, Jonathan Mostow A writer-illustrator and a director-screenwriter met in...
Kimberly Tolman, Billal Dar The couple had their first date in...
Karyne Messina, Shehzad Akhtar The couple met in 2011, while working...
Julia Schweizer, Lockhart Steele The two met in 2010, but it...
Jessica Punchatz, Andrew Walker The bride and groom met in 2016...
Jennifer Ying Lan, Lukas Strnad The couple both graduated from Harvard,...