Anita Fial, Who Carried the Banner of Exotic Food, Dies at...
Sandra Santos-Vizcaino, Beloved Brooklyn Teacher, Dies at 54 The longtime educator...
Albert Petrocelli, Fire Chief Who Lost a Son on 9/11, Dies...
Vincent Lionti, Violist and Youth Orchestra Conductor, Dies at 60 He...
Sergio Rossi, Italian Shoemaker and Ready-to-Wear Ally, Dies at 84 Known...
John G. Davies, Rodney King Judge and Olympic Medalist, Dies at...
Marguerite Derrida, French Psychoanalyst and Translator, Dies at 87 A clinician...
Sergio Rossi, Italian Shoemaker and Ready-to-Wear Ally, Dies at 84 Known...
Leïla Menchari, Who Turned Store Windows Into Art, Dies at 93...
Tom Dempsey, Record-Setting Kicker, Dies at 73 He was born without...
Cristina, Cult Downtown New York Singer, Dies at 64 A fixture...
Mary Roman, City Clerk Who Set Senior Shot Put Records, Dies...