Dashcam video shows officer attacked, strangled during traffic stop, Aurora police...
Wildfire threat is elevated, critical in these parts of the Western...
CRT group promoted by Biden admin has ties to top Education...
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mike Dukakis says defunding police ‘makes no sense...
Republicans pile on Biden administration for promoting CRT group Sen. Marsha...
Colorado judge orders Barry Morphew arrest affidavit to remain sealed in...
Michigan Catholic school argues in lawsuit mask mandates violate religious liberty...
Ohio teen drowns at Middletown theme park: sheriff A 14-year-old Ohio...
BMW driver plows through protesters outside NYPD precinct, injures cop and...
White House weighs pushing masks as COVID cases increase
Nevada mom arrested in drowning deaths of her 2 children, report...
Florida woman accused of skinny-dipping in homeowner’s pool A Florida man...